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Commencing his tenure at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2015, Andrey N. Serebryany, DSc, served the institution as a leading research scientist and has been the chief researcher since 2016. Starting his career as an engineer at the N.N. Andreyev Acoustics Institute in Moscow, Russia, in 1977, he went on to serve the prominent institution as a junior researcher, research scientist, senior research scientist, leading research scientist, and head of laboratory. Since 2015, he has also held the role of department head. During his tenure at both institutions, he was also a longtime senior research scientist at the Russian Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences between 2002 and 2017. Alongside these endeavors, Dr. Serebryany has also headed 16 marine expeditions, participated in multiple marine and oceanic research cruises, sat on the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and served as a guest investigator for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

An expert in physical oceanography, Dr. Serebryany studies the internal waves in the ocean and on the shelf, as well as various hydrophysical processes on the shelf. Always taking great pleasure in conducting marine experiments for the betterment of humanity’s thirst for knowledge, he believes his profession is quite rewarding, as through his research, he and other scientists can predict and prevent climate change and
natural disasters. In light of his professional aptitude, he has received several grants from such prestigious organizations as the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Taiwan-Russia Science Cooperation, the International Science Foundation, and the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation. In addition, he received an honorary diploma from the Russian Shipbuilding Agency and a medal for “300 Years to Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonsov.”

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