Drawing upon years of experience, Lester Robert “Bob” Beatty has excelled as the owner of Peregrine LLC since 2011, where he guides the company’s efforts in system planning, design and execution. Likewise, Peregrine LLC specializes in the areas of finance, securities, taxation, public relations and corporate communications.

Earlier, Mr. Beatty was director of information technology and signal processing at Cincinnati Electronics, where he successfully merged five independent computer departments into one, allowing for better management of the company’s information technology and signal processing while also increasing productivity and reducing expenses by $750 million. He also implemented a new manufacturing system to improve inventory management and parts control. As a project manager for several companies, he designed and installed a $4 billion payment system for the Ohio Department of Public Education’s teachers, administrators and other personnel; a new $6 billion accounts payable system for Champion International; and a $1½ billion logistics and inventory control system for the Air Force. Mr. Beatty also managed a new online securities system for CompuServe, which allowed its clients access to additional information regarding securities. Although he has many career highlights, Mr. Beatty is especially proud of his participation in the creation of NASDAQ. In this regard, he personally designed the NASDAQ database and was the system architect for the NASDAQ online system and the NASDAQ Index.

Outside of his primary endeavors, Mr. Beatty is a life member of Mensa, was elected national chairman of American Mensa for two years and was a member of the International Mensa Board of Directors. He initiated American Mensa’s and International Mensa’s Community Service programs to encourage Mensans to utilize their experience and intelligence to help their communities. When he was a local president, the Fort Wayne Mensa was twice selected as the best chapter in the nation in its population group.

Mr. Beatty also created a Boy Scout troop of 88 youth and developed the district’s strategic plan. He is a life member of the Simon Kenton Boy Scout Council and was a member of its national board of directors. Internationally, he partnered with another American scout leader and with Perth, Australia, scouts to create the International Cyberspace Jamboree. Earlier, he was an active member of the Jaycees and was recognized as an Outstanding Local President of the Pennsylvania Jaycees and an Outstanding State Chairman of Leadership Training for the United States Jaycees.

Likewise, Mr. Beatty is a member of Sons of the American Revolution. He still owns the land and home granted to his ancestor, a colonel who led a battalion fighting in the Revolutionary War. This colonel was granted the land for outstanding service to his new country. The home was built by the colonel’s son in 1800. Mr. Beatty was a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. During officer training, he received a Commendation for Bravery in encountering enemy soldiers who ordered him to get into their vehicle. He refused to speak, and they dropped him in the woods. Despite this dangerous situation, he studied the terrain and found his way back to his home company. The next evening, the colonel in charge called the battalion to attention and read the commendation.

Active in political campaigns, Mr. Beatty was invited to introduce a major candidate for president of the United States and was selected to be one of 100 individuals to be a member of the National Honor Guard at a major national convention. For both a U.S. Congressional and U.S. Senatorial campaign, he calculated and targeted the most beneficial party voting precincts in which to invest money and have candidates spend their time. During his lifetime, Mr. Beatty has met or worked with eight men who were president or would become president.

Mr. Beatty is a founding and charter member of his local Masonic Lodge and received recognition for his continuous 60-year membership. He was also elected president of the Senate of the Ohio Model Legislature, where he initiated the process of Ohio passing the right-turn-on-red law. Notably, the Ohio House of Representatives unanimously passed a House resolution in his honor.

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