Possessing over 40 years of professional experience, Lynda Salas has excelled in the field of insurance. Recently taking on the role of head of Claims America at MS Reinsurance in 2022, she specializes in global specialty insurance and reinsurance operations. To this end, her responsibilities have included performing daily technical accounting and long-term strategic development, among other tasks. She credits much of her success to her prowess in the insurance industry, her willingness to continue learning the intricacies of her field and her devotion to taking on new challenges for self-growth.

To prepare for her career, Ms. Salas received a myriad of certifications and educational degrees. After earning her Chartered Property and Casualty and Underwriting (CPCU) designation, she received six associate degrees in the areas of reinsurance management, financial statements, claims, reinsurance, insurance services and risk management. Additionally, she is a certified Senior Professional Public Adjuster. Most recently, she received a Master of Business Administration in risk management and insurance from Excelsior College in 2021.

Outside of her primary career efforts, Ms. Salas is an accomplished writer, having authored a white paper on drones in 2017. Notably, her paper was published in business journals, and she was afforded the opportunity to present her paper at the Miami Latin America Claims Reinsurance Forum, an international claims conference. Likewise, Ms. Salas is affiliated with numerous professional organizations, such as the Association of Professional Insurance Women.

In the coming years, Ms. Salas would like to continue in her current role at MS Reinsurance, through which she will be able to achieve prospective goals and climb the ladder of success. Additionally, she aims to attain an additional associate degree in surety and bonds.

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