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A renowned telecommunications expert with nearly three decades of invaluable experience, Dr. Zheng Li has established himself as a renowned figure in the field of information and communications technology. Since 2016, he has represented Nokia as a system design architect and engineer, through which he has enjoyed designing 3G, 4G and 5G networks.

Dr. Li became involved in his profession so that he could improve people’s quality of life. After earning a Bachelor of Science in China, he went on to receive a Ph.D. in electronics, communication and information engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1999. Notably, Dr. Li immigrated to the United States in 2000. His accolades include Second Prize in the Peking University Challenge Cup in 1995 and the 1999 Best Research Award from the Intelligent Robotics and Mechatronics Symposium.

In 1996, Dr. Li developed a deep micro-meter prototype ASIC of a multi-resolution computational image sensor integrated with a Haar-Wavelet transformation on the solid-state silicon focal-plane, as well as the world’s first CMOS image sensor with high-speed motion vector detection algorithm integrated on the solid-state silicon focal plane in 1998. In 1999, Dr. Li successfully developed the COSSAP-VHDL co-design and simulation environment. In 2003, he verified the first world-class 3G WCDMA OneChip ASIC chip. Furthermore, he initially designed the commercial 3G HSPA baseband software with minimized hardware interrupt threads in 2007 and proposed the multi-dimensional abstract layer API for designing 4G LTE baseband SoC in 2011. Notably, Dr. Li was on the small team that designed the 3G, 4G and 5G networks used by both Verizon and AT&T.

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