Silva, Christopher 2960568_27954569 Newsletter REVISED

Dr. Christopher Patrick Silva is an award-winning electronics engineer who brings his top skills to his work as a Senior Engineering Specialist with The Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, Calif. He has occupied this role since 2003, and has dedicated nearly three decades to the company, which exists to provide independent technical and scientific research, development, and advisory services to national security space (NSS) programs. Previously, Dr. Silva thrived in roles as an Engineering Specialist, and a Senior and entry-level Member of the Technical Staff.

Several of Dr. Silva’s most notable achievements entails co-developing a novel measurement technique for frequency-translating devices ubiquitous to modern communication systems, a baseband time-domain technique allowing for accurate device characterization, and a new high-frequency broadband chaotic oscillator circuit design that is the basis for advanced secure communications systems. Dr. Silva’s work also encompasses the new application of state-of-the-art system modeling methods to communication components and distortion compensation. In recognition of his tremendous work, he has earned a number of patents and awards for his research and development.

In support of his career’s success, Dr. Silva has been involved with industry-driven initiatives through his affiliation with various professional organizations. In particular, he has presented at a number of professional conferences, dinner meetings, industry events and university guest lectures/seminars. In 1992, he served as a project judge for the Aerospace 15th Anniversary Herndon Engineering and Science Fair. Today, Dr. Silva is an active member of IEEE, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the American Mathematical Society, Phi Beta Kappa, Eta Kappa Nu, and Tau Beta Pi.

Dr. Silva entered his field because of his love of science and mathematics and his strong interest in how things work. To prepare for his career, he earned an Associate of Arts degree from the College of the Redwoods in Eureka, Calif., before matriculating at the University of California, Berkeley, where he obtained undergraduate and graduate degrees. With years of experience in tow, Dr. Silva demonstrates a continued drive for excellence in his work. As he looks toward the future, he plans to continue in his tremendous work with The Aerospace Corporation while taking on new opportunities as they become available.

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