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With more than 50 years of experience, B. Keith Hodge has established himself as a renowned educator at the Mississippi State University (MSU). Backed by profound expertise in engineering and energy systems, Dr. Hodge holds the titles of Giles Distinguished Professor, Tennessee Valley Authority Professor and Grisham Master Teacher. A native of Macon, Mississippi, Dr. Hodge’s first professional assignment was as  a research engineer for Thiokol Chemical Corporation at the Redstone Arsenal facility. His knowledge in the field led him to secure a job as an instructor at The University of Alabama. Following a five-year post as a research engineer for Sverdrup Technology at Arnold Air Force Base, Dr. Hodge joined MSU in 1978 as an assistant professor in mechanical engineering.

The highlight of Dr. Hodge’s career has been receiving emails from former students who say what he taught them has been significantly helpful to them in their professional careers. Passionate about his field of work, he maintains affiliation with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers as a fellow. Additionally, Dr. Hodge is an associate fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a member of the Tau Beta Phi Honor Society. From 1990 to 2000, he served as the president of the Southeast Section of the American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Hodge became involved in his profession because he has always been fascinated with airplanes. He earned a bachelor’s degree and a Master of Science in aerospace engineering from Mississippi State University. In 1971, Dr. Hodge furthered his education by obtaining a Master of Science in mechanical engineering from The University of Alabama. He earned a Doctor of Philosophy in mechanical engineering from the same institution in 1973. A few years later, Dr. Hodge became a certified professional engineer within the state of Mississippi. Since entering the field, he has received numerous awards and recognitions, including the Grisham Master Teacher Award, Outstanding Engineering Educator and the Tilman Service Award from the American Society for Engineering Education. Dr. Hodge was also listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America.

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