Ionis Bracy Martin has led a distinguished career in the arts for more than 40 years. She prepared for her career by earning a Bachelor of Science from Fisk University in Nashville in 1957, Master of Education from the University of Hartford in 1968, and a Master of Fine Arts from Pratt Institute in 1987. Formerly a docent at the DuSable Museum of African American History in Chicago, Ms. Martin is now affiliated with the Museum of African American History in Boston, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Helen Gardner Museum, and the New Art Center in Newton. Not only is she an artist and a sculptor, but she also lectures on her experience as an African-American female artist at galleries and exhibit. Additionally, Ms. Martin is the co-author of “Discipline-Based Art Education: A Curriculum Sampler.”

At the onset of her career, Ms. Martin directed teen programs at the YWCA of Greater Hartford. She has taught art throughout the state of Connecticut, including a 30-year post for the Bloomfield Board of Education, and committed nearly two decades as a lecturer and adjunct professor at Central Connecticut State University. An award-winning artist and educator, Ms. Martin served her community as a home finder for the Connecticut Child Welfare Association in the late 1950s. She has been a coordinator with Links Inc. and the Art Institute of Chicago, as well as served on the board of incorporators of The Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford. Additionally, Ms. Martin has worked as a Gale Researcher student for the African American Almanac.

For her achievements, Ms. Martin has been listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Education, Who’s Who in American Law, Who’s Who in the Midwest, Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, Who’s Who in the World, and Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America.

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