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Cunsolo, Alessandro 3769336_35414724 Newsletter

An esteemed figure in the field of physics, Dr. Alessandro Cunsolo has accrued more than 20 years of professional excellence in his industry. A physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory since 2015, he previously served as an associate scientist with the same facility from 2009 to 2015, a scientist at Argonne National Laboratory from 2008 to 2009, and a scientist at the National Institute for the Physics of Matter from 2003 to 2008.

Earlier in his career, he served in several capacities abroad as an assistant scientist at the University of L’Aquila in Italy, a Ph.D. student in the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in France, and a research assistant for the National Agency for Environmental Protection in Italy. Alongside his career endeavors, he also served as an adjunct professor for two years at Stony Brook University.

Prior to commencing his career, Dr. Cunsolo sought out a formal education, earning a Master of Science in physics from Sapienza Universita di Roma in Italy in 1994. He followed this accomplishment with a Doctor of Philosophy in physics from Universite Joseph Fourier in France in 1999.

A former member of the American Physical Society, Dr. Cunsolo has been a contributor of more than 100 articles to professional journals, and he is presently working on writing a book. He is the son is Salvatore Cunsolo and Lucia Pratolini.

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